Can Drinking Coffee Make You Live Longer?

Can Drinking Coffee Make You Live Longer
Can Drinking Coffee Make You Live Longer

If there’s one thing almost everyone likes to do, it’s drinking coffee. We all love coffee so much that we drink about 2.25 billion cups of it every single day!

There are plenty of places where you can grab a cup of coffee on any given day, but how much do you know about this popular beverage? Do you know if it has any health benefits? Are you aware of the many different types and flavors of coffee out there?

If you’re here because you want to know more about coffee and its effect on your health, read on. With this article, we will look at everything you need to know about the humble caffeinated beverage — what it is and how much is healthy to drink.

Coffee consumption in Canada and USA

Coffee was brought to America in the middle of the 17th century, while the first coffee house was opened in Canada in 1801. On average, Americans consume 400 million cups of coffee daily and about 146 billion cups of coffee every year. On the other hand, Canadians drink an average of 2.8 cups of coffee daily and consume more coffee than tap water. When it comes to coffee consumption, Canada is 15 places above America. According to the coffee association of Canada, 72% of people aged between 18 and 79 in Canada consume coffee on a daily basis, and they drink more coffee per capita than Americans.

Coffee and your health

Coffee is often associated with negative health effects, such as an increased risk of nerve jitters and anxiousness that makes you want to punch a wall. However, research suggests that coffee has several health benefits, including reduced risk of certain cancers, type 2 diabetes, and neurological disorders. Coffee contains many bioactive compounds that likely account for some health benefits.

The Health Benefits of Coffee:

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, and for a good reason. Not only does it taste great, but it also has many benefits that can improve your health. Coffee is a good source of antioxidants, which can help protect your body from damage caused by free radicals. It also contains caffeine, which can improve your Alertness and mental focus. Coffee can also help you manage your weight, as it can boost your metabolism and promote a feeling of fullness.

Here we discuss each benefit for curious readers. Take a look:

Reduced risk of type 2 diabetes – One of the most well-known benefits of coffee is its potential to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Reduced risk of coronary heart disease – Numerous studies have found that coffee reduces the risk of coronary heart disease.

Reduced risk of stroke – There is also evidence that drinking coffee is associated with a reduced risk of stroke.

Reduced risk of certain cancers – Coffee has also been associated with a reduced risk of certain types of cancers, such as liver and uterine cancers.

Neurological health benefits – Studies have also found that coffee might improve cognitive function, specifically attention and reaction time.

Improved insulin sensitivity – Coffee drinkers, have also been found to have better insulin sensitivity, which could help prevent type 2 diabetes.

Better hydration – Coffee is also a good source of water. This means that people who drink coffee are more likely to stay hydrated throughout the day.

So if you’re looking for a delicious and healthy drink, coffee is a great choice. Just be sure to limit yourself to no more than two cups per day, as too much caffeine can lead to side effects such as headaches, jitters, and difficulty sleeping.

The Downsides of Coffee:

Although coffee has many potential health benefits, excessive consumption can also lead to unwanted health outcomes. Coffee is a major source of caffeine, which can increase blood pressure in some individuals and pose a health risk for certain people.

It also contains a lot of caffeine and can lead to a caffeine overdose if consumed in high amounts. Coffee can also interfere with certain medications, including blood thinners, and affect certain medical conditions, such as pregnancy.

There is no doubt that coffee is everyone’s favorite drink, and many of us rely on it to get through the day. But while coffee can be beneficial in moderate amounts, some risks are associated with consuming too much of it.

Some of the potential risks of consuming too much coffee include:

  • Anxiety and restlessness
  • Insomnia
  • Stomach upset
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Increased blood pressure

Of course, everyone is different and will react to coffee differently. But if you’re drinking more than 3-4 cups per day, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks. Excessively consuming coffee can lead to negative health effects, so it’s important to enjoy it in moderation.

How much coffee is safe to drink and how to drink it while minimizing risks?

Drinking too much coffee and exceeding your daily caffeine limit is possible. For most healthy adults, up to 400 mg of caffeine per day is considered safe, equivalent to around four cups of coffee.

However, this amount can vary based on your coffee drinking habits and your caffeine intake from other sources. Coffee drinkers should also consider other factors — such as their caffeine sensitivity and possible interactions with medications.

Coffee is generally safe; a few risks are associated with drinking it. There are some tips on enjoying coffee while minimizing those risks associated with drinking it.

First, it is important to choose roasted coffee and brew it properly, ensuring that the coffee beans are not contaminated with harmful toxins.

Second, avoiding adding sugar or other sweeteners to your coffee is best, as these can increase the risk of cavities and other dental problems.

Third, it is important to limit your intake of coffee to no more than four cups per day, as excessive intake can lead to anxiety, insomnia, and other health problems.

Can Coffee Increase Your Life Expectancy?

There is growing evidence that coffee may have health benefits, including reducing the risk of death. A large-scale study recently found that people who drink coffee have a lower risk of death than those who do not drink coffee.

This study is not the first to suggest that coffee may benefit health. Other studies have found that coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other causes.

So, can coffee increase your life expectancy? The evidence is still inconclusive, but it seems that coffee may indeed have some health benefits.

Why coffee drinking is linked to lower mortality risk

A landmark study published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine has found that coffee drinkers who consume three cups of coffee daily may live longer than people who don’t drink coffee. People who participated in this study drank sweetened and unsweetened coffee. That means, if you are a coffee drinker who consumes either sweetened or unsweetened coffee, you are likely at a lower risk of mortality than non-coffee drinkers. 

This study was one of its kind in which more than half a million people from ten different European countries participated. Scientists analyzed the data to explore the effects of coffee drinking on mortality risk. Scientists surveyed around 170,000 participants and followed up with them five times over the course of a year about their variable coffee-drinking habits and lifestyle. The participant age limit ranged from 37 to 73 years. Only those people were eligible for the survey that didn’t have cancer and cardiovascular disease at the time of the survey. 

Researchers also looked up death certificates to see who had died seven years later. These findings were similar across all countries where this study was conducted. However, not all people have similar coffee drinking habits. This new study also provides some important insights into the potential mechanisms for the positive health effects of drinking coffee.

The previous studies looking for the association between low mortality and coffee consumption have revealed conflicting findings. However, a large study has shown the potential beneficial effects of coffee consumption with sugar or artificial sweeteners on the risk of death.

In a large systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies, coffee has been linked to lower mortality risk. The pooled risk ratios for the highest vs. lowest intake levels were 0.88 (95% CI: 0.82, 0.94) for total mortality and 0.93 (95% CI: 0.88, 0.98) for cardiovascular disease mortality. There was a linear dose-response relationship, with a 6% lower mortality risk for each additional 2 cups of coffee per day. These findings were robust to sensitivity analyses.

All in all, coffee consumption was associated with lower mortality risk, and the risk reduction appeared to be greater for cardiovascular disease mortality than total mortality. These findings support the current dietary guidelines, which recommend moderate coffee consumption (3-5 cups/day) as part of a healthy diet.

These results add to a growing body of convincing evidence that shows that consuming coffee is safe for health and have potential health benefits for coffee drinkers.

Consumption of sugar-sweetened coffee and lower mortality risk

Researchers found that moderate consumption of coffee (sweetened and unsweetened) was linked to low mortality risk. The finding suggested that people who consumed coffee with sugar were 29 to 31 percent less likely to die compared with non-coffee drinkers. However, researchers observed that coffee drinkers that consume unsweetened coffee had a slightly higher risk reduction. Moderate coffee consumption is about 1.5 to 3.5 cups per day, even with added sugar. According to the study, coffee drinkers who participated in this study used to add one teaspoon of sugar to the coffee.

Based on this study, coffee drinkers can continue to drink sweetened coffee with no cause for worry. We are sure this will be good news for people who don’t forget to add sugar to their drinks. However, the results for coffee drinkers who used sugar substitutes instead of sugar in their coffee were less clear. That’s why; researchers couldn’t draw any conclusions about people who use artificial sweeteners to sweeten their coffee.

Bottom line

Coffee is everyone’s favorite drink, and over 1 billion people drink coffee every day. The chemical composition of coffee includes caffeine, which is a potent stimulant. Coffee contains several bioactive compounds that likely account for some health benefits. If you think forgoing coffee can improve your health, it’s not true because years of research suggest that coffee consumption is associated with a decreased risk of death from any cause. While the studies have some limitations, the overall conclusion is that moderate coffee consumption-up to 3 cups per day- is not harmful to your health, and incorporating coffee into your daily diet could have beneficial health effects. This is likely due to the beneficial effects of coffee on cardiovascular health. If you drink coffee, comment below and let us know how you like it!

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